Stilll looking - Faverolle rooster(s) near northern Illinois


14 Years
Jun 11, 2008
Poplar Grove, IL
I'm (still)
looking for one or two young Faverolle rooster(s).

We have eight pullets that were born about April 30th of this year. We just lost our rooster and our most friendly pullet to a dog attack, the remaining girls are looking lost.

Fencing has been modified so all should now be safe.

I live near Rockford, IL and would prefer to pick up the roo, the weather is getting really hot and humid here.

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I have a 13 week old favorelle roo that we lost his mate two weeks ago. I have been trying to find him a girl but you live too far. He is lonely as well.

I'm sorry to hear about your pullet. Where do you live in Indiana, maybe we are not that far apart?
I am south of Ft. Wayne. What about the swap meet up around Knox, IN and Albion, IN. I have seen salmons there, I am actually hoping to get to the aug one so I can try to find me a salmon hen.

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