Stinky Broody Hen


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Chapel Hill, NC
I have an ameraucana/EE hen who is broody right now. There must be a bad egg underneath her. She is one stinky hen!! She smells like well, a slightly rotten bird. She wants nothing to do with me taking any of the eggs out let alone figuring which one is yucky. This hen is very close to hatching. Maybe within a 3-4 days.

So, I have a few questions:

1. Are hens always a little stinky when setting? Am I worring for nothing?

2. Should I try to candle the eggs and figure out which one/s is/are bad?

3. how should I go about doing that with a no nonsense hen who is fast with the pecking and really agitated when anyone is near?
If she only has 3 or 4 days to go, I would just leave her. See what happens...could be a broody poop she did in the nest. I think they know when eggs are rotten...instinct would tell them that, wouldn't it?
Well remember, she tears her feathers off of her belly, her bare skin is constantly rubbing against her hot eggs, with her poop clinging to her feathers... They ARE going to smell. But if you do detect a rotten egg odor, consult her nest immediately and replace old shavings.

Have fun with your broody!


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