Stinky Chickens!

Hot ashes? I almost had my coffee everywhere!!
DH put all of the ashes in a large, lidded, metal container--To cool first, new way to s l o w cook your chicken??
I have found that the only times I have an "odor" is out in the run if the chickens bill out a bunch of thier food (pellets) and then it rains. The wet food mixed with manure seems to really make a stench. And if it's not cleaned up or dried out the chickens can start to smell too. If you're having wet weather and the run is wet, that could be some of the problem.
I bought some chickens once during a rainy season. They stunk to high heaven from that combination of wet food and manure. I did give them a bath when I got them home. And since then they just smell like warm feathers. Good luck.
Beekissed wrote: I've been raising chickens a pretty long time but never had one that was stinky when picked might want to look into how well you are keeping their environment clean.

My birds always smell like chickens...sort of a warm, chicken feather smell...not unpleasant, just chickeny...sort of like ground corn. I'd never describe it as "stinky".


Track down the source, it is not the `chicken' itself. Disease/environment/etc.
I've bathed my chickens, and dried them off with a hair dryer. Surprisingly they quite like it!
I've never had a smell issue though, so can't help there, sorry x
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i had a stink problem today aswell

i stuck my head into coop and it stank so bad i couldnt put my head in too long

but chickens where ok no smell from them

i decided to wash the coop and now smell is all gone

so it could be that coop was smelly and transfered over to your hens
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Why do my chickens stink? I pick them up pretty often, so even my hands get stinky. The worst offender is my Gold laced Wyandotte cockerel, oh my lord he reeks..:sick …. Is it ok to give them a bath? 

Yes!!!! Or dust them with 7 dust

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