Stocking up, canning, prepping


6 Years
Jun 12, 2017
So, fall is in the air & hunting season is just around the corner. I have 15 pregnant rex does set to kindle in 2 weeks, as well as a large batch of meat chickens I'll be butchering around the same time. So, I need to make some room in the freezer. We are preparing for the harvest to come, and decided to can some deer roast. Was able to get (5) 2.5# roast out of the freezer. It may not sound like much, but it's a lot of ready made meals that are shelf stable. Each quart of canned deer meat will provide at least 2 meals for my family. For instance, I'll make peppered deer steak one night and use the left overs for a pot pie the next.

A nice roast makes a great choice for canning

I prefer 1" cubes
cut cubes.jpg

Load up the canner
load canner.jpg

6 quart jars ready for the shelf. These will be quick meals with life gets busy.
How does it taste after canning? I haven't canned meat before. I remember my mother being disdainful (might not be quite the right word) about it when I was young because she said the canned meat never tasted very good.
A lady at church said she was canning steak, which blew my mind.
We don't can meat--mainly bc we don't eat a ton of it and prefer it frozen. But I can and freeze bunches of veggies, fruits, jams and jellies. Mock pineapple is a favorite here--you can use zucchini or summer squash canned with some pineapple juice (and a few other things) and it tastes like pineapple from the can.

Looks great, I love hearing about people's successes, mini (or large scale) homesteading at it's best.
We don't can meat--mainly bc we don't eat a ton of it and prefer it frozen. But I can and freeze bunches of veggies, fruits, jams and jellies. Mock pineapple is a favorite here--you can use zucchini or summer squash canned with some pineapple juice (and a few other things) and it tastes like pineapple from the can.

Looks great, I love hearing about people's successes, mini (or large scale) homesteading at it's best.
I freeze meat also, but I still worry. There have been places that have been without electric for a week or more from storm's and such, and frozen meat will go bad when it can't stay frozen and it isn't eaten fast enough.
Dual purpose flock is my plan at the moment. I like the idea of extra cockerals in a couple chicken tractors clearing grass and fertilizing future garden plots. No need to preserve them - the pantry stock is in the field!

But I do think canning meat is a great idea that I'll explore soon. My pressure cooker is not with me right now so can't do it yet. Just here gleaning your ideas at the moment.

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