Stockton, Ca show

YAY! this sounds great! I like everyone here so much on line, i gotta like you guys in person, right?

i cant wait! this will be great!

any info on where it is (address)? date and time? or a web site to get this info?

I am having a hard time finding the address to the fairgrounds. I would like to get my directions all mapped out BEFORE I leave, so I dont get lost, but I can not find the address to save my life, the only address i can find is for the secretarty, I have tried to call and email and can not get a reply back, so could anyone give me the address or even just the street name, shouldnt be missable if I drive down the street 100 times.
I am soooo looking forward to this show, its always the highlight of my year! I was on BYC last year, but new to the sight, and didnt join in the festivities! I did make arrangements for picking up some birds there, hope to maybe do the same this year.
(STILL need 2 Penedesenca Hens, 2 Turken Hens, 2 Black Minorca Hens, 2 Barnevelder Hens, and 2 Black Face White Spanish Hens!)

It will be neat meeting people in person this year!! See You all there!

TerrasCritters - There are signs with directions to the fairgrounds on the highway, they get you there really well!
Thanks anyway, my good friend was able to track down the address so we could get hotel reservations near by.....
pips&peeps :

I won't be attending, but the show is a District Meet for the Ameraucana Breeders Club.

I think Lisa Cree will be there.

I covet her birds....that is a sin....I am glad I am not a horribly religious person..I would be bursting into flames right now.

True Ameraucana's are so hard to get, my son James wants the real deal...He's 10...I keep telling him it's too hard to trust any body to get me the real deal...all we have are easter eggers...
I did get the Sultans he wants, still only hatchery birds, but he's content with them
. Im just tickled he shares my enthusiasm for the birds! One out of four isnt bad!
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