Stockton, Ca show

It's free - It will be held January 24th and January 25th at the San Juaquin Fairgrounds. It is the 62nd Annual Winter Show of the Pacific Poultry Breeders Association. For Contact information: [email protected]
Teresia Renwick 1 530 268 2488

This is an awesome event, thousands of the most spectacular birds from around the Nation!

Yes, there is a sales barn, but the show people who sell have to pay a fee for the if you can connect with people online BEFORE they take the birds in to the show, sometimes you can meet them in the parking lot and pick up your birds, it's less stress and exposure on them, and less costly too! Network, Network, Network!
Listen to me, I need to get my bottom in gear, its almost December!!

Whoo! Almost time!
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Very funny, Jordan!!! Lynn and I may have ended up in a different town, but at least we made it eventually. Of course, it was all her fault!!!! Ok, maybe we should both share the blame. We were so busy yacking that we didn't pay any attention to the road signs. Duh!!!

It will be great to see everybody this year - our group sounds like it's going to be big!!!

Can't wait to see the birds everyone is showing. Those show birds are so gorgeous.

You guys need to pay attention! I thought I'd be late and you guys left me standing there for almost an hour!

Cant wait to see everyone, its going to be fun!
pips&peeps :

I won't be attending, but the show is a District Meet for the Ameraucana Breeders Club.

I think Lisa Cree will be there.

Lisa was there last year, I believe. Lynn, was it last year?? Lynn and I met her because Lynn got a rooster from her. She was nice and she's got some amazing birds.​
Those birds you guys got from Lisa were gorgeous. I only have one left - a beautiful black daughter of Jack and Belle. I can't wait for her to start laying so I can see if her eggs are that gorgeous Cree blue!!!

I can't wait to hit the sale barn. I think I'm going to ask for "chicken money" for my upcoming birthday so I'll have some to spend. Lynn, do you mind riding home with a chicken in your lap?
Lynn, do you mind riding home with a chicken in your lap?

Do you REALLY think you need to ask that question?!

I really dont want to go near the sale's barn, but I know there's gotta be pigeons in there.

As for the Cree birds from Lynn, I had one til I gave her to my grandma! She was my little beardless hen, Addy.​
Hey, I'm up for a chicken in my lap, as long as YOU are driving!!! Note to self: ensure tight-fitting lid on my coffee cup to keep out chicken feathers.

Oh yeah, and here's a good one: Jordan says:

I really dont want to go near the sale's barn, but I know there's gotta be pigeons in there.

Are you kidding me, Jordan? That is the first place you will run for when you get there! By the time Lori and I catch up with you, you will have scoped out every bird in that barn---which is really great because you can lead us directly to the best ones!!!​
Oh my god... the... sale... barn... *twitches like a heroine addict* AHHHH I CANT WAIT!

Recently got the emails with the show info attached and now I'm positively twitching with excitement! Oh man, I really hope I can contain myself this year... EEP. I doubt it. *twitch twitch twitch*

I'm really hoping to get a bantam ameraucana and a bantam sumatra hen. I'd die happy if I managed to find some... But I figure I'm going to have to start emailing all the breeders listed on those clubs, cause I'm really picky and want really nice show quality ones... It probably wont happen.


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