Stockton, Ca show

Cyn, I'll be sure to do it! If you have a specific photo you want just email it to me, haha

You say that as if we're going to try and stop you from buying more birds!

Yeah, we're enablers, not the other way around! You'll leave the show with twice as many birds as you currently have! Hehe.

This is true. I blame all of you folks (especially the ones always posting cute pictures in the Incubating/Hatching forum) for the 5 BBS Orp babies currently peeping their heads off in my bator! (And the other 5 still waiting to hatch. And the 9 Sal Fav eggs also waiting to hatch.)

Who else will have birds to "pre-sell" at the Stockton show? I'm looking for some LF... maybe some BBS Orps or Sal Favs to expand my genetic pool... or heck, maybe I should just start another breed entirely... what's one more coop to build?

Well, then, we need to put a BYC t-shirt on her!! That way there will be something under the pics of her head when we take our photos!!! Can you just imagine how freaky that would be to look at the photos and see the floating head of someone who lives across the United States!!!
We could be on Ghost Hunters!!!!
I cannot wait, its been years since ive been to a chicken show. and im definately going to go to the sales barn. COCHINS!! Jordan is going to have to help me though cause i dont kno where anything is at. I will be the girl with all the cochins in her pockets. Plz someone make sure i dont come home with a roo!! I will be in so much trouble. hehe
Hey, Jordan, I know what we could do! We could attach Cyn's head to a blow-up of a model's bikini-clad body. Wait, maybe that's not such a good idea! I think if you drug that around with you that everyone would think you're some kind of weirdo. Ok, scratch that idea.



Cochins, Cochinlover? I believe that last year there were some monstrously huge cochins in the sale barn. It was either at Stockton or Fresno, but I'm pretty sure it was Stockton. I remember standing and staring at them in awe!!! You'd better bring some BIG pockets!!!
Some of the kids in my sons 4H group where talking about taking a few days off school to drive to the Stockton show…..I wasn’t going to let my son go (he is only 9 yrs old) but….maybe the kids need a chaperone to go along!! Washington state to Stockton Calif…that’s a heck of a drive…about 700 miles.

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