Stockton, Ca show

Hey! That looks just like the showgirl I brought home! Cutest little thing!
If I would have had the money, I would have brought home a lot more than just her!

Well, my husband and i got there late and didn't stay long. But did enjoy seeing the birds. i looked at those showgirls, too, and was very tempted. But i already have three white ones and would really like to add some different colors. i was very interested in a cage of splash silkies, but they didn't have a price on them and no owner nearby. i wonder if those belonged to anyone from here?

We ended up buying a pretty little Quail Bearded Belgium d'Anver hen. Once my husband got her in his hands, it was all over, he was in love.

Anyhow, i wanted to share some of the pictures i took of some of the interesting birds i saw. i may not know what all of them are, but they were pretty.

i think this is a mandarin duck(?). It looked unreal. i want some!

This was the most sensational looking standard polish, a frizzled guy (who would not put his head up for a picture). Would this be a splash color?

This guy was scary! i think it's a Shamo.

Then there was cages full of the most ginormous chickens i've ever seen! There were orps and astralorps and brahmas, but they were the English variety. i have never seen such huge birds. Here is a BO:

Not sure what he is, but he's pretty.

This hen had the most incredible geometric design on her feathers.

Here is my husband shooting the breeze with one of the guys.

These were some cool (and very loud) gooses.

Then here is an old man goose (or that's what he looks like to me) Is he a Dewlap Toulouse?

Lastly, here is our new little girl.

As I wandered around the buildings, I kept wondering if he or she could be a BYCer. I bet I saw some of you there and just didn't know it.
Man, I am on dial-up, so can't view OEGB's pics yet, darn it. How many photos are there? Just so I know whether to even attempt viewing, of if I'll get one of those 'taking too long' messages that disconnects me.
Did ya see the game chickens way out back in the barn thing?
A byc members' birds were stolen at this show. If anyone saw someone suspicious with four black cochins (Im sure it was more than one person), please notify rosecomb-ryan.

edited to say: they were stolen this morning around 9am. (Sunday Morning)
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I can't believe people will steal chickens. That's just so wrong.

I'm really bummed I missed this. I got the date wrong. I originally thought it was the "last weekend in January" so thought Jan 31, but I messed up. Darn.

Guess I will have to catch the next show. Maybe by then we will have a chicken stock somewhere in Central CA so everyone recognizes each other. The t-shirt idea is great, too.

Thanks for the pics! It's a little consolation for missing this show.
no way! someone stole Ryan's birds!?!?!? HOLY FREAKIN COW okay, i was thinking of showing my birds this year but now hearing people have stolen others omg idk if i wanna risk that!
Someone also stole a buff silkie from a lady named Marilu. She was real nice and answered some questions for me (I showed my silkie) and I "babysat" her other birds for a bit. I can't understand why someone would steal birds. She said she had spent 5 years to get the birds how she wanted and that it was her best bird that was stolen. I don't know if I want to continue showing. This was my first show and I was planning to show in Fresno but now I don't know. My birds are no where near as great as Marilu's or Ryan's but I love them just the same!

Edited to change name, I was wrong, it's Marilu not Lou Ann.
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