Stolen baby chicks,,, what should/can I do???

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11 Years
Jul 13, 2009
Live Oak, FL
We had a BYC member and her friend come to the house to by some chickens. They made their selections and paid for what they had picked out. We got busy doing choirs, came back in to check on the chicks and noticed that 2 chicks were missing.
Both were chicks that we were keeping and had explained that to the 2 ladies that these were not for sale. One was the only Lavender Ameraucana that survived from eggs purchased on BYC. They other was a double tufted rumpless blue Araucana.
I calculate that the value of the 2 is over $100. I'm so mad I want to call the law and file a complaint. We have her phone # so she can be traced.
What should I do?

I think if I call her she will just deny having them.
I'd contact her first, maybe she made a mistake ;) and will return them willingly..
If not, then i WOULD call the cops and file a complaint..
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She knew what she has doing. She wanted both of them and we said they are not for sale.
I think she took them when I was helping her friend with her selections.
Sorry I would call the cops... you told her they were not for sale, and if that was not good enough too bad, I would have her arrested BYC member or not , Not everyone is a good honest person, and those that are not deserve to get whats coming to them..period
I know this sounds pretty harsh, but I had a lady do that to me this summer , my BR roo that I planned to keep she wanted, well she couldn't make up her mind so she said she would come back tomorrow to pick a roo, well I was not home at the time she didn't call first, and my husband sold her my roo, he didn't know 1 from another but she sure did, so I was very miffed to say the least and she better hope I don't see her again, cuz she will get more than an ear full, I did not however have a phone number or I would have called her and made her bring him back. You could try to call her and threaten to call the police if she doesn't return the stolen birds, because that is exactly what she did..STEAL THEM......Kim
Oh i know..
But heres my thinking..if the OP plays nice, maybe the lady will play dumb and say,.."ooh, i made a mistake! I'll bring you back those babies right away!"
But if the OP just calls the cops right away,... then the lady will just deny having them,... and really the OP has no solid proof that the lady stole them,...
So i worry that she'll never see her chicks again... :(
Yeah, thats some grimey stuff...
Actually, i'm a witch, i'd drive my butt on over to her house like NOW... and say, "there MUST have been some mistake, i've come to pick up the chicks.."
If she gets rude, call the cops and have them make a theft report right then and there at her house...
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We had a BYC member and her friend come to the house to by some chickens.

Post this person's name (board name) here so that everyone knows that this person cannot be trusted. Maybe the public humiliation will force her to return the chicks.
NO dont do that! lol they will lock it..
YOu can PM people the name though.. ;)
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