stolen ducklings

my ganders are good daddies to any and all ducklings and goslings...I had no idea they were like this but it is kind of special to observe...when they are guarding their adoptees, herding them about, showing them where the food pots, pools, gates and good grazing spots are it is really fun to watch...they are better parents than some of the people I have seen...if I get too close to their babies, that is the only time I am apt to get hissed at...the geese are my favs...

I am fasicnated by their family structure...and how the ganders take turns pulling guard duty at night...when all the ducks and geese are sleeping, one gander is on his feet standing guard...when he lays down to rest, the other one gets up and takes over...they alternate like that all night is always on those is really funny when they lose track of one of the ladies...they go totally bonkers running around looking and calling until they find her...I think the girls sneak off and hide just to see the boys go nuts looking for them...

don't worry about your "stolen" ducklings, they are in good hands/wings...and I can really hear that argument between the girl and the adopting dad...your post made me smile...

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