Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail!


Now we're all just waiting for 3:00 pm today, when you'll have Max loaded and on the road.
The uncle won't call back because the uncle is an evil @@@hole.
Just go get Max.

You'd think that wouldn't you? EXCEPT, the deputy claims he does not know where Max is. Even though he has been there himself and seen him himself. So why all of a sudden is it impossible to simply go and get Max? I have no idea, but that is his response when I asked "and what if he doesn't contact you?"

"Well, we have to wait for him to contact us."

How come?! That is what I want to know?! The deputy claims he does not know the exact location of the horse so will not go out there. The uncle has not called the deputy and the deputy stated:

"He's going to be an ass about this. I knew he would."

Well, he can be an ass, I want my horse TODAY. Why am I not able to go get him?!
wow that deputy sounds like an ass, they told you that you could go get your horse today and now theyre saying they have to wait till the uncle calls back, what the heck, why?, hes YOUR horse and youve waited long enough why cant you just go get him, what the heck?
im sorry, i hope you can get him today though and that it all turns out ok.
good luck!

*edited for spelling (and to change w t f in the first line to what the heck cause apparently thats not allowed, even though i didntactually say it, sorry...)*
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Iv been lurking this thread for months now and I can not believe how much you have had to put up with. I don't know the law's there but doesn't every body (even a deputy) have a supervisor? I would be calling this deputy's supervisor and giving him a piece of my mind. Why is it those of us on the right side of the law have to put up with this BS? I'm sending prayer's from California for Max's safe and speedy return home!
yeah i agree, they definately know where he is and that theyre just doing that to make it more difficult and/or to make it drag on longer... thats so mean/rude of them, its YOUR horses so why should you care about the uncle or have to get his approval i mean after all it is YOUR horse that THEY STOLE, unbelievable!
good luck

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