Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail!

It will probably have to be filed in the court , which will be done today, making it in effect tomorrow. I would take a small camcorder or a small tape recorder, hubby and I bought one several years ago that was voice activated, we used it against his ex who was stalking us, this way you will have a "record" of what happens. I would still go ahead and file a restraining order against the Uncle and the Nephew.
This is just ridiculous. What more are they going to try and pull? I can't believe no one is in jail for any of this. I'm starting to think that maybe the sheriff needs to be brought in for obstruction of justice.
I think the uncle is doing this on purpose to drive us BCYers crazy!!!!!

RoPo, I'm sorry you have to wait another day. You know we're all behind you. One more day and Max WILL be home!
RoPo, you MUST go and stake out that property, with help. You need to be able to dial 911 if he tries to move him. He can play cat and mouse forever with a law enforcement department that corrupt. If he goes to move him you simply report someone is stealing YOUR horse and the address, NOT that you don't live there.

BE there when the sun rises.
If you can get a posse you guys can even take turns

Hoping that this is finally resolved tomorrow. At least the DA and judge were available to help this afternoon. That alone is amazing considering how many things have gone wrong with this case.
Make sure you give Max a big hug and lots of kisses from his BYC friends. That is once you are done giving him all the ones from you.

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