Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail!

I would go get him, look for anything noticeable and then take him straight to a vet before taking him to where you will be stabling him. Get him away from there as soon as possible, you already know that the officer is not going to be very co-operative, so the faster you get him off that property the better. Do not sign anything for the Uncle!!! If he asks, say you will sign it after Max has been seen by a vet and you have talked to the DA.
Have the officer go with you. He shouldn't have to stay while the vet examines him, but he should be there to document the fact you took him to the vet before taking him anywhere else. That way anything that might cause Max problems can be attributed to the Uncle.
Ask the vet if the officer needs to stay while Max is examined. Cover all your bases!!

I'm so glad this is almost over!! Said a prayer for you and Max.

/\\ Very very good advice IMO. I'd follow it if it's possible. Don't sign anything no matter /what/ the uncle or officer says about it(tell them to send it to the DA first - seeing as you're their client and signing things wasn't a part of this "deal"). Try to make sure the officer witnesses or writes down the fact you took Max straight to a vet after getting him. I doubt the guy would record it given his record so take dated and timed photographs/videos if possible for your own records. Keep a log of everything you're doing as you do it in a notepad along with times. It may not be stone cold "proof" but it is evidence of things and would help you have everything down to a science if something /does/ occur... no fumbling with times and "I guess"es.
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Ropo, this is good advice because it's more than likely that a lawyer will take your case and file a civil suit for one-third of what he gets for you for your damages. You were smart not to hire a lawyer to get the horse back though because all that you'd have now is a big stack of legalese papers and a loss of MANY thousands of dollars for legal fees, and you'd still be waiting as long as your lawyer was bleeding you for money.
Mrs. Green Thumbs :

Here's to hoping that you will have your Max back before this weekend begins so you and yours have something really special to celebrate!!!!

Mrs. Green Thumbs :

LOL... every time there is another post on this thread I get excited that it's the OP and she will be saying "HE'S HOME!!!!!" (with big smiling pictures of course too!) Then I come here and it's more well wishes. lol

Just look for RoPo's name ;D Thankfully it puts that to the side as most recent postering :>

If you can't tell I'm watching for that too :>​
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Mrs. Green Thumbs :

LOL... every time there is another post on this thread I get excited that it's the OP and she will be saying "HE'S HOME!!!!!" (with big smiling pictures of course too!) Then I come here and it's more well wishes. lol

I know what you mean!! However, finally Ropo you are going to get him. I bet today is the day.​

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