Stopped laying at 1 year.


In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2015
South Louisiana
Is that normal? I have a Rhode Island Red that began laying promptly at 20 weeks old. Great layer. Like clockwork, when she made a year old we haven't seen 1 egg since. This is about 6 months now and I'm not sure what to do. No signs of parasites. Heavy, healthy hen.
Is that normal? I have a Rhode Island Red that began laying promptly at 20 weeks old. Great layer. Like clockwork, when she made a year old we haven't seen 1 egg since. This is about 6 months now and I'm not sure what to do. No signs of parasites. Heavy, healthy hen.

Molt or lice. That's what I think of first off.
They free range on and off, so no they aren't hidden. I kept them in the chicken yard for weeks just to watch her. This has been going on for such a while. I set up a deer cam for weeks. Nothing from her. So strange. No mites, either.
They are fed Nutrina country feeds and i keep calcium readily available. They get dried meal worms maybe twice a week.
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Almost any illness can cause a bird to lay less.. however not laying at all suggests a issue within the reproductive tract of your RIR hen.

I am leaning towards Lymphoid Leukosis or Colibacillosis within the reproductive tract, I will put some links for you to research both of them.
Egg drop and fatty liver syndrome could also cause symptoms similar to your girl.
The "diagnosis" portion will offer the most insight on there.
Look at #4 on there, it mentions it being within the reproductive tract.
......and some birds are just 'lemons'.
Could be a myriad of things....bad genetics, infection that shut down ovary but didn't affect overall health of bird, some other 'disease'.
You may never know, unless you slaughter her for meat and see what's what inside...maybe not even then.

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