store Bought coops (adding a run)


In the Brooder
May 10, 2015
New Ipswich NH
since we planned on moving in the spring we decided to go withd store bought coop for our 4 girls. Being new to raising chickens we thought it would be fine but as they continue to grow and become adventurous it was clear we should expand into a run to give them more room to play. Not sure if this is helpful to anyone but here is a few picks incase you were looking for any ideas !!

We ran into the same problem. I wanted the chicks to have more room than what their store bought coop allowed. We opted to purchase a dog run and raised and attached our coop to the run. The chickens have plenty of room to play and the kids can fit in there with them and they have plenty of room to run.
We have now added another dog run and another coop next to it for some older chickens we got and they all seem to be happy. I will find a more recent picture.
I used a 10'x 10'dog kennel also if you want to keep expanding all you have to do is just buy a couple more panels works great I covered the top and sides with chicken wire

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