story or rambling you decide black australorps


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 17, 2009
hopkins county KY western KY
Hello we decided last summer to start with black australorps i studied the breed and aside from the surprise that the eggs were alittle smaller than i expected over all we were pleased. the hens lay like clockwork and they grew up beautifully, healthy and vibrant. i sold off those that didnt have the attibutes i wanted (and kept a few others because they won me over) this summer we have been selling the chicks and i think maybe in our area some just dont recognize the breed (our local farm store also sold them so maybe enough was enough) we sold a good number but not like hotcakes which i guess i expected. if my research said they were great all around farm chickens wouldnt everyone want them??? now later in the year a tide seems to be turning (of course, now that i sold our roo) but he was purchased to be a show chicken and the client was so pleased with his apa attributes. who would have thought a farm yard chicken to showbiz. anyway rethinking again i believe we are going to grow up another roo and a new laying flock and see if next year sales will increase. we are going to add a few other breeds my wonderful husband built some more areas for me... i love raising chickens and love the eggs our customers like eating them too....
Hello fellow Kentuckian! I am just starting with the chicken stuff and bought one Black Austrolorp this spring from a feed store. I too did research and purchased for the all around good attributes but not so sure they are all that well known here. The other thing, and mind you this is pure speculation is that people tend to not like black pets. My research has led me to learn that black (or mostly black) cats and dogs get adopted at a far lower rate than their counterparts. Perhaps that goes for chickens as well? Definately something to ponder. I think they are beautiful.
I have to say that the black austrolorps are by far my favorite. But then I have 2 black cats and 3 black dogs. The black ducks have always been a favorite as well.

Maybe I am just odd.

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