Stowaway chicken! What breed?

They have a funny way of calling in others...
Basic chicken math. You fall in love with the one and get it a friend. That one is pretty sweet too. Twice as many healthy eggs. So you get another, then another........:lau
Seriously though, she would be ok with you as her flock, but a friend would make her happier after she gets used to another. Name her Destiny, Felicia, or Dalia, all which mean luck.
Awww she is so precious! :love Chickens are social creatures and don't do well alone, unless you are going to make her a house pet. Please consider getting her some friends! A minimum of 3 is ideal, but 2 is far superior to 1.

"One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as one
It's the loneliest number since the number one"
is there an opotion of taking her back ?


Actually no. The homeowners said they don't have any chickens so we're really not sure where she came from or where to take her back to.

Our shop is on a back road surrounded by woods and the property backs up to the state park do there's plenty of room for her. My boss bought a giant bag of food for her and a couple of the guys were making plans to build her a house from pallets.
Awww she is so precious! :love Chickens are social creatures and don't do well alone, unless you are going to make her a house pet. Please consider getting her some friends! A minimum of 3 is ideal, but 2 is far superior to 1.

I would love to get a few more. I'm trying to talk my boss into it. There's plenty of room and he was talking about getting a few guineas for tick control...
I would love to get a few more. I'm trying to talk my boss into it.
I would say if he's already bought a bag of food and is thinking about keets, then getting another friend wouldn't be such a big deal for your boss. He's already gearing that direction. And keets are excellent for pest control, but chickens arent too shabby either!
Actually no. The homeowners said they don't have any chickens so we're really not sure where she came from or where to take her back to.

Our shop is on a back road surrounded by woods and the property backs up to the state park do there's plenty of room for her. My boss bought a giant bag of food for her and a couple of the guys were making plans to build her a house from pallets.
Awww.... What a bunch of guys..... vBG


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