Straight Run, need help confirming breeds gender


9 Years
Mar 8, 2010
Hello everyone, needing a little help on IDing some chicks... the first pics are a barred rock roo, i think. The next ones light brow/red I believe I have a hen and a roo but not sure of breed. Then is a white chick? then I have a banty feathered legs think a cochin but not sure. The rest are EE and can't tell a difference in them yet hen or roo. Thank you for your help!!!!

Barred Rock Roo?
one hen one roo? Breed?
Two EE what is the white one?
Banty feathered legs....
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Barred rock roo, buff orpington pair, white one is a roo I think (white rock?), the black and white ones look more like silver laced wandottes to me (male?), and your banty looks like a partridge cochin female. I'd need closer pics of the combs to tell you for sure :)
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Will try to get better pics they were not being photogenic earlier. lol So happy I got a pair as I was wanting to start breeding buff orpingtons and have 4 younger pullets. Will go out now and try to get better pics of the ones in question. Forgot to mention they are about 7weeks old. When is a good time to post the EE. they all look the same to me and I know they mature later....

ETA: They could be silver laced Wyandotte but I know there are also EE in the mix so I guess I will be miss photographer/ detective for a bit
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