Straight run roo to pullet average?


8 Years
Jul 8, 2011
NW Arkansas
Do the hatcheries make any statement of average (or guarantee?) of roos to pullets on straight run orders? Friend told me it ran 50/50, but I didn't think that sounded right.
TRUTHFULLY.... more like a 60/40 Roo or pullet

but you never know... you can get lucky or have really bad luck
I wouldn't have thought of the hatchery being at fault. Would have just thought it was bad luck and if repeated orders came out the same, I'd just blamed the odds. Thanks for the heads up.
Straight run I ended up with 7 roos and 7 pullets (out of 14). Since I can't bring myself to butcher, I have learned that I will never do straight run again. It was really fun watching them grow and the roos are so silly so not a good thing for me.

I purchased 14 Golden Comet pullets from Tractor Supply and ended up with one rooster....who is a Production Red too...
So far he's been a really good boy, very tame. Here is Rueben (Ruby).
Well....people come straight run and the percentage of the US is about 51 to 49 % in favor of women. Chickens are probably about the same, 50/50. But that doesn't mean out of 20 straight run chicks you will get 10 hens every time. You might get 19 roosters. Just like if you set 20 eggs you might. It's really luck of the draw, like tossing a coin 10 times---in theory you get 5 heads and 5 tails but in reality that doesn't happen often. If you want one sex or the other go for sexed chicks but even sexed chicks only have a 90% expected accuracy so you can expect one "mistake'" out of every 10.

I doubt hatcheries are going to mess with straight run---it takes too much time and the minute amount of money they save isn't worth the effort or the potential damage to customer relations.

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