Strange behavior in my birds


11 Years
Apr 29, 2008
Is this normal and why would they do this??

I have 10 chickens, 1 roo, 9 hens. Roo (Rosco) is a RIR, as are 3 hens, 2 are EE, 2 White Leghorns, 2 Black links. Hubby seen one of the red hens picking the feathers out of Roscos hackle, and eating it. He let this continue until she apparently pulled a tight one and then he just stood up and towered over her and gave her that look and she flattened out on the ground in submission.

Is this just a grooming preening thing they do to each other like monkeys??? He is not showing any signs of baldness, and he is still the ruler of the roost.
mine pick at each other - usually they seem to be playing - but they are also at the age to estab their pecking order
If they are picking feathers and eating them they are showing some signs of lack of protein. Give them some meat scraps or a small handful of kitty kibble and see if it stops. Sometimes picking is just picking but it can be a sign of other serious problems and needs. Most chicken feeds are made void of meat proteins. Chickens are omnivors and they need meat proteins to be nutritionally complete.
I don't have kittly kibble but I do have high protein dog kibble. I will have hubby give them some today.


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