Strange lump in egg


In the Brooder
Nov 22, 2022
Hi all, has anyone ever seen anything like this inside an egg? The egg looked absolutely normal, until I cracked it open. I found this strange lump, you can see blood vessels.
First egg she's laid after moult. No illness, that I'm aware of.


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:welcome Looks like a lash egg that was contained within a normal egg. Happens sometimes at the beginning of a laying cycle.
:welcome Looks like a lash egg that was contained within a normal egg. Happens sometimes at the beginning of a laying cycle.
Oh, thank you I have seen lash eggs before, but only ones that are rubbery and laid separately to egg, I didn't realise the lash egg could be inside another egg. This was very strange, especially with all the blood vessels. I've kept it and will dissect it in the morning.
I will keep a close eye on her. She's about 3 years old.
Would be good to cut that lump in half lengthwise.
I don't think it's a lash egg, which are not common or part on a new layers repertoire.
It might be an unformed/immature follicle.
Would be good to cut that lump in half lengthwise.
I don't think it's a lash egg, which are not common or part on a new layers repertoire.
It might be an unformed/immature follicle.
Thank you. I've kept it, and will dissect it in the morning. I've no idea what an immature follicle is, will see if I can find some info
To me, it looks like it might be a large meat spot. Hens will occasionally shed little bits of tissue, and sometimes those pieces end up inside an egg. It would definitely be a good idea to dissect it regardless. I personally wouldn't be concerned, especially since she's just starting to lay after a break. The only time I would be concerned is if she starts showing signs of illness.
Thank you. I've kept it, and will dissect it in the morning. I've no idea what an immature follicle is, will see if I can find some info
It's the place on the ovary where the yolks develop.
I think it's explained in this excellent video, which is worth watching regardless:
Cut it open this morning, quite firm.


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