Strange lump on my hens back

Though this may not be your hen's issue, sometimes an oil gland can develop a tumor or blockage from a vitamin A deficiency. I just necropsied a bantam hen with a lump under the gland, used to encompass her entire backside but after a round of antibiotics, most of the accompanying infection had been eradicated, leaving a smaller hard lump.

She went downhill and passed this morning. She was always one to eat mainly the 11 or 13 grain scratch mix I threw out in the mornings and leave her layer pellets so she could have easily given herself a deficiency. A mainly seed diet will do that. Going forward, they will have to be watched for that, perhaps given a vitamin supplement more often. It's a first for me. I've seen infected feather follicles in years past on rare occasions, too, but I felt this was way more than that and unfortunately, I was right. But, then, it was plain I could do nothing to save her.

So, just an FYI for everyone. My hen might have been worse because she was a tiny 1.5 lb bantam and every issue is heightened with them.
UPDATE: it was a ingrown feather.. I hope I did it right. I was very gentle, and she was a good girl. I got the entire feather, including that stem thing
Glad to help remember it can happen again in same spot so check every year the bump was like when we swell up from i.e. a splinter or a pimple ingrown hair I forget what it's called think it starts with a k I wanna say kreotin but am not sure it's kinda like the cortisone we produce as people

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