Strange Mandarin Behaviour


In the Brooder
Dec 13, 2019
Hello, I am looking for some advice. I've got 6 ducks, mandarins and ringed teal ducks. One of my female mandarin ducks has started acting very weird. Over the last 2 weeks or so she has been completely avoiding going in the pool. Normally you would see her in and out of it all day and joining in all the splashing with the other ducks. I can get her in the pool with a bit of persuasion but she gets straight out. She also has been separating herself from the other ducks generally, although she will join them every now and then. She definitely isn't being bullied as if anything she was the one bullying the smaller teal ducks, although nothing bad just the odd peck.

She has now started doing this very weird thing where when she is standing on the floor she will start acting as if she is on the water. You can see from the video what I mean. This is the motion all the other ducks would normally do on the water to push water on their back and generally have a wash. I can't understand why she is doing it and why she is completely avoiding the water/pool. No other issues, eating, drinking and visually all ok.

Any possibility that drakes are trying to breed her when she enters the pool? How many drakes do you have ?
Any possibility that drakes are trying to breed her when she enters the pool? How many drakes do you have ?

No I don't think so, I haven't seen any breeding what so ever. Got a equal ratio of 3 drakes and 3 females. All my other ducks are completely ok, she just seems to have separated herself and really avoiding the water.

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