Strange problem, Banty not standing or pooping


12 Years
Sep 12, 2007
Collinsville, MS
I have a very strange problem with one of my Buff Brahma Bantams.
Yesterday I found her mooching around outside the coop while the others had all gone up to roost for the night.
She was and still is having trouble walking/standing and doesnt want to put weight on her right leg.
The strange thing is we found two eggs, about her size out in the pen, where they would never normally lay. I am assuming they are hers but aren't sure if she laid them both yesterday or over the last two days and just haven't noticed.
I brought her in the house last night and she hasn't pooped the whole time she's been in here, or laid an egg. I can't see anything wrong with her but she is obviously not well, she is normally a little feisty but she fell asleep in my arms last night, not normal for her at all.
Does anyone have any ideas about this strange one?
Thanks in advance.
Jenny, worried Mum:(
Oh yes sorry, I forgot to say, the shells on both are very strange, they don't feel or sound right. I have some fake/joke eggs and they sound just like those. As if they are extremly hard.

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