strange repeated chicken and chick murders. (graphic)

That is TERRIBLE!!! I too would try to get some more proof and would involve the police. Somebody is very disturbed if they are doing this to your animals and in my opinion need to be in a lot of trouble for what has been done. I'm very sorry for all your losses. This is horrible.
Sounds like the 'human' is not too human. It's the most horrible thing I've ever heard, and I'm sure your little birds lived their last moments in absolute terror, as chickens learn pretty quickly and knew what was about to happen when they saw this predator. Makes me absolutely sick.
i dont often walk 20 yards without my .45 or 9mm, but shooting a child wont get me much sympathy in court. my suspect is in 6th grade, so i guess he's 11 or 12?

his whole family has some issues, but i do need some hard evidence to call the police, i dont think they'll care about my story, missing chickens, or circumstance based evidence.
i dont often walk 20 yards without my .45 or 9mm, but shooting a child wont get me much sympathy in court. my suspect is in 6th grade, so i guess he's 11 or 12?

his whole family has some issues, but i do need some hard evidence to call the police, i dont think they'll care about my story, missing chickens, or circumstance based evidence.

Just a thought, but if you can get some evidence, you might want to contact the child welfare agency in your area. If he is mutilating animals, it is a sign of abuse or mental problems. I am sure child welfare would be interested.
i think i am going to go with a pitfall trap. this kid is overweight and lazy, i'll make one i can barely get out of, and he'll definately be stuck in.

i have no trespassing signs, he'd have to break and enter my gate to fall in the trap, i'll take some pictures of the chickens that died today, and i think the court of public opinion will be on my side even if he gets hurt falling in there.

i went out there just now and one of the chickens it looks like he scalped the side of it with a shovel, or it tore it's skin on something, the poor thing, about 4-5 inches worth of skin are missing on it's side, like square inches.

i'll take some pics in a few of the whole thing after i dig my hole.

maybe i'll catch some strange racoon with human shoes on two of his feet, that would make me happiest of all.

i only have 7 meat birds left after all this. : /

and all my muscovies are terrified of me, they wont even come for food anymore. this makes me real sad, i love my scovies : /
alot of people say this, but in florida a warning shot = 20 years in jail, miss or not, if your shot was not warrented.

we have a 10-20-life rule here, and pulling a gun when not required to protect your life is aggro assault, the first degree of which is a felony,

and if you commit a felony, while in possesion of a gun, it's 10 years, if you fire the gun, it's 20 years, if you hit anyone, it's life.

so while a warning shot would often end any kind of stand off or event, they're pretty illegal except in cases where it would have been legal for you to shoot the guy, and in that case, it's usually best just to shoot him.
Dude- SUPER-bad idea.

In my heart of hearts I am all about giving your preditor a bit of buckshot in the arse, or humiliating him by dropping him in a hole, but this is some serious bad-juju.

At best you are going to be slapped with an "attractive nusiance" charge: both for your chickens and your hole-trap.

If there is some circumstance you aren't aware of (he is slow, or autistic) any two-bit lawyer will swing a "Of Mice and Men" defense and you will be sued for EVERYTHING.


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