strange repeated chicken and chick murders. (graphic)

i do only have one solitary chick left.

i am going to go look at another place tomorrow, with 5 acres and a trailer, the lady owns some horses too, and they stay on the property.

this might be my winner, if this is the winner, i will bring all my birds over to my friends house, and they'll stay there during the move, which will start this weekend.

i had come to this forum hoping to find some information about a strange snake, or swamp ape, or whatever, and well, after finding the obvious human problems, i am mostly convinced it was human.

thanks everyone for help, if i sounded like a jerk or anything, just know i am pretty upset about this whole situation, both for the chickens sake, and financially, and i didn't mean anything bad about anything i would have said.

if you see something i could improve upon for the next house, let me know.
I would still try to get the kid on video ( hide and sit somewhere he can't see you but you can video him, I know it sounds morbid to let him kill or injure your babies but you would then have proof to sue or call child services) and take it to the police and small claims because you are out allot of money. And if he continues and escalates it could be a small child next and I wouldn't want to think about that.

I would definitely look into moving like you are. I would be scared to live there if it were me.
i dont have time to sit around and wait for this kid, i wish i could be home all day.

about a month ago i was out of hours at work, but now we have a few big jobs going, and i gotta be there full time again, i started this whole chicken thing as a sidejob because of the lack of work. i hope this house i'm looking at tomorrow is a winner winner.

i will talk to the parents and let them know just as i am pulling away, i dont want any issues with them, they're just as looney, i've talked to them before, and they dont seem to care about what i have to say about anything, they've told their kids to stay out of my yard, and nobody listens, they dont pay attention to the kids too much really.

i went to walmart and looked at the different things available, and decided i need to keep my money for this impending move, at such a short term ahead of me.

the police have been here before a few times, they dont like me, they dont like my operation, so that's why i'm hesitant to call them.

apparently picking up breeding muscovies off the lakes and parking lots around here is looked down upon by the court of public opinion. they probably figured i would just be torturing them or beating them, not giving them a nice place with food and water while i steal some of their egg babies to incubate.

there are only two officers that work in this particular very small part of west palm beach.
Oh my! I'm shocked at the level some will stoop to. Oh hun, I'm so very sorry for your loss. You have a good setup there. And lots of love to offer. Things like this should never happen. Nothing wrong with recycle and reuse. Happens here all the time. Might not be the prettiest looking, but by gosh it works! And that's all that matters. Besides my chickens don't care if it's not painted, or carpeted.
They want their DIRT!

Oh I just don't know what to say. Your in my prayers!
A raccoon can get through a lot of defenses ... but this definitely does not sound like a coon. I have never heard of coon opening AND THEN CLOSING a gate after they go in and squash the poor birds.

that the house you look at is perfect and everything works out. Sounds like you need OUT of that crazy neighborhood!

edited to fix smiley code
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I would like you to still call child services, The kid needs to be evaluated and it doesn't seem he's getting the supervision he needs. Call and be honest, you've had several mass killings of baby animals, the kid is often slinking around, you've spoken to the parents, but something seems "not right", it's CPS' job to sort these things out.
I agree i am not onvinced it was a human. a coon did not have to open any latch it could have just reached through the chicken wire. I lost 12 ducks in one night and they never entered the pen. many headless, and squished in all sorts of ways. it even looked as though the coon ate the face off of a head it ripoped off and then tossed the left over unedible beak back into the pen! I still have not figured out how it did that but it did.

Have you tried setting a few traps?

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