strange repeated chicken and chick murders. (graphic)

I agree i am not onvinced it was a human. a coon did not have to open any latch it could have just reached through the chicken wire. I lost 12 ducks in one night and they never entered the pen. many headless, and squished in all sorts of ways. it even looked as though the coon ate the face off of a head it ripoped off and then tossed the left over unedible beak back into the pen! I still have not figured out how it did that but it did.

Have you tried setting a few traps?

Did the coons also crush your birds? If you would read the OP posts, he clearly states that in one attack there was crushed birds, mutilated birds and missing birds. I am sorry but that does not sound like a coon. If it was just a simple case of a couple missing birds and a few missing parts, then I would agree, but based on what the OP describe, then I say human. Also the Human footprints gives it away....

OP I really hope you can get that trailer and get away from the looney bin you are living in now. It makes me sick that a kid would have such little regard for a living creature...
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I am really sorry you went through all of this. You can call and make a call to child protection agency and let them know what is going on. I would hate for this child to hurt something else after you leave. Good luck!
A similar thing happend to me about a year ago... only had 3 chickens as this was my first time having them. We have a very animal proof coop but it has 2 gates that can be opened by a human.. one of which was wired shut since we never used it.

My girls just started laying when this happend. One early morning i heard some racket outside and sprinted out to find one of my chooks hiding in our shed squaking.. obviously terrified. I searched for the other 2 and couldnt find them anywhere. I checked out the coop to figure out how they got out and found that a person cut the wire to our back gate to get into the coop and stole one.

Our house backs onto a large field where people sometimes walk through so my guess was that they jumped our fence and broke in.
After searching for the remaining lost chicken i then found it dead sitting upright in my veggie garden with a little dirt pushed around it to hold it up. I was mortified that someone could do this...
The remaining chicken was stolen the next day. I asked around our neighourhood to see if anyone knew anything or had any troubles and one of them said their bantams had their heads pulled off and left for the family to see.

I filed a report with the station.. just so they were aware of what was going on in our area and if it happened again i could file another and track the person down to press charges!

Anyways... i now have 8 babies around 6 weeks and am still reeaaallllly nervous about putting them outside even though we made the place like fort knox! Fence has barbed wire and built up and hoping no one will even try it this time.

Just had to get that one out there.. thanks for listening..
And thank you mikescanlon for sharing with us your story.. and im truly sorry for your losses and hope you catch this sad soul.

Hi Mikescalon, I'm sorry to hear of your losses. It is shocking and very scary to hear that it could very well be a human predator!

Your set up looks ok to me. I hope you don't lose any more of your chickens before you get to your new place. Your poor babies don't even have a chance to relax and settle down. They must be so stressed out and terrified. Maybe you can try some Rescue Remedy in their water to help them with stress.

Good luck to you and please keep us updated.

i am going to call them as i am setting up in the new house, i have their address. i'll tell em what i know, if they're interested, they can go on over there. i do have any hard evidence that it's him. i guess the biggest thing for me is he used to come over with his dog everyday and talk to me and ask me questions about my sunflowers and watermelons and chickens, and since that one day with the chicks, i haven't even seen him outside.

i'll give them the information i have, and hopefully they'll want to do something, he is a very inteligent person, the way he asks questions, you can tell he has a complete understanding of even complex ideas without knowing much about them.

and from looking online, i guess kids that are above average inteligence can often be problematic without proper parenting.
you know, having all the crap happened to me has made me pretty upset these past few weeks, but reading your story made me more angry than anything over here.

i just dont understand people. or why they would do something like all this. i am soo glad i dont have kids that might huggle and love on my chickens. and i am glad nothing has happened to my eggers.

maybe if you put up some shadecloth or something so it's not soo obvious you have chickens, just on the backfield side.

or plant some sunflowers for cover, chickens love eating the leaves off the plants too, and the seeds if they're full grown chickens.

i wish everyone would just leave our birds alone.
I am so sorry for your losses! I really hope the move works out for you. I might sound like an @ss, but there is no help for a kid like that, a vicious dog should be put down and I think the same goes for some people.
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The kid??? Seriously???

Mike, no normal 11 or 12 year old boy would be doing this. I know. I've got one. If it is this young man, then it's a HUGE warning sign of something seriously wrong with this child, his family or both.

Have you asked around? I'm betting that someone you know has a trail/game camera they'd be willing to let you borrow if you explained what was going on. Pictures of this kid doing the things you suspect him of doing would be irrefutable and hopefully lead to him getting the help he obviously needs.

I implore you to please not just move without saying a word and let this issue become someone else's problem.
well, i have some good news, the place in loxahattchee is a go, the woman is awesome, she breeds some dogs, has a number of them on the property, a few horses, and the other woman there is a naturalist, waiting for the end of the world kinda girl, so this all works out well for me.

my chickies will have alotta place to run around.

i did loose 4 more birds today, and that creepy kid came over to talk to me and ask me where i was going with all the birds. he had his rediculous dog, and the way he asked me questions, it seemed like he already knew the answer.

today though, the white piece of wood was not as i had left it, it was taken down, the gate was opened, and the white board was replaced, incorrectly.

i am tired of his Drat!.

i talked with the landowner, he knew about some of the issues with that whole family, i guess there has been a long history of these issues, even with his own tenants in the past, the dcf knows about these issues, and has decided to leave the family together i guess, i am going to call them and state my case, so they can add it to the file, or whatever.

i wish i could stay longer and video but i am not sure what night he might decide to find his daddies shotgun and come pay my window a visit, or who knows what kinda going's on's he might be upto.

and really starting with 27, and now having 3 poor cornish crosses, i dont think i could watch another one go, and really it would probably be all 3, and i swear if he touched my precious turkens.

so i'm leavin'.

thanks for your help everyone.

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