Straw = happy Chickens


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Western Ohio
Was removing straw from some raised beds. A dit damp, some dirt, and I didn't notice too many bugs. I tossed it all in a few piles in the run with my 12 week old chickens. They looked like Christmas had come early - so happy! they scratched it all down to even thickness within 15 minutes, very happy to explore this new stuff! They had never seen straw before, so they were apprehensive for about 30 seconds, then dug right in! It was funny to hear them "talking" to each other - first when I was wheeling my bright yellow wheelbarrow they had never seen past them, then when I was putting the first load into their run. Of course, after they discovered the amazing qualities of the straw, a few nips/pecks, and chases ensued.

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