Stray Hen

yes I tried to pet her, and she was about to peck me. This morning she seem to have eaten some of the food i placed around her so I think she's ok.

There was already a fence in place. That's why she picked that location in the first place. There's no top but the area is safe since there are just some stray cats that I feed, and an ant eater and skunk that frequent my backyard. I have not seen anything else that might attack her.

A skunk will injure if not kill a setting hen, and the skunk will certainly take her eggs and eat them. Any fencing that has holes >/= 1" diameter is not predator proof. a coon or weasel can easily reach through or enter and kill her.
You don't have to take the eggs she is sitting on in order to check to see if they are fertile. If you already have some of her eggs in the fridge, just check one of those. If the ones in the fridge are fertile, then the ones in her nest are probably fertile. It will never turn into a chicken unless it is incubated, so you don't have to worry about eating a baby chicken.
A skunk will injure if not kill a setting hen, and the skunk will certainly take her eggs and eat them. Any fencing that has holes >/= 1" diameter is not predator proof. a coon or weasel can easily reach through or enter and kill her.
Had no idea that skunks would hurt the chicken. There isn't any weasel or raccoon around that I can see.
You don't have to take the eggs she is sitting on in order to check to see if they are fertile. If you already have some of her eggs in the fridge, just check one of those. If the ones in the fridge are fertile, then the ones in her nest are probably fertile. It will never turn into a chicken unless it is incubated, so you don't have to worry about eating a baby chicken.
If they are fertile, is it possible to return the eggs in the fridge back to the hen so she can hatch more chicks?
If they are fertile, is it possible to return the eggs in the fridge back to the hen so she can hatch more chicks?

It depends how long she has been broody, if it has only been one or two days then go for it! How long have the eggs been refrigerated for though? Any longer then a couple of days will likely give the egg less chance of developing. Can you post a picture of your chicken?
If you are in the continental US, there are weasels where you are. Most folks are not aware that they have them until they get into the coop (if you could push a quarter through an opening, a weasel can enter) and kill the entire flock in a single night. In southern states, snakes are a very real threat to eggs and chicks also. Raccoons are found in all of the continental states. And they dwell in cities, as well as more rural areas.

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