Stubborn chicks


In the Brooder
Jun 19, 2016
HELP.....I have some stubborn chicks that will sit by their electronic door perched on their ramp but refuse to go in the coop at night. Every night I have to go and shove them in oNE by one. They are about 16 to 18 weeks. Any help with this would be good.
Hello, you can try buying a bag of scratch! That works very well! It isn't super nutritious so you should only shake about one scoop on the floor and they can't resist... They will all go it there! Hope this helps, good luck!
Welcome to BYC!

Lots of windows in the coop for natural light is advantageous all year round.

Chances are the lighting change it what's got them stalling....
.....or it could be hot/stuffy in there if you don't have adequate ventilation in the coop.

How many birds?..... in how big a coop(feet by feet)?
Pics of coop inside and out might help us help you find a solution.
I have windows and I just added a light. I have 8 but 1 is a millie and 1 is seroma and 2 are silkies. They all like to curl up with one another as well. I was thinking it's age related but who knows. They are still pretty young 16 to 18 weeks.
I find it's quite common at that age, everyone of my batches needs encouragement to go inside at some point. I just keep at them and eventually they go in by themselves again.
My 14 week olds are roosting in the coop on their own with no problems, except for the first couple days they were allowed into the run at 2-3 weeks old.

How long have you had birds in this coop and run?
What is your climate?
I think ventilation, natural lighting, and maybe crowding is the issue?

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