Stuck in the chicken coop - literally!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 9, 2010
Colorful Colorado!
I'm not sure I am posting this in the right spot, but I have a story that I know really only "chicken people" will relate to... if there were only a video camera on my experience.

So, the other morning I woke at 7:15 to the sound of one of my pullets doing the "egg song" and remembered I had left a piece of wood in the nesting box in hopes of training one of the other pullets from not sleeping in there at night. So I got up quickly, threw on a robe over my thin nightgown, went out to the run in my robe, bare legs and slip on shoes over my bare feet. I entered the run to pick up the egg that had been left at the bottom of the ramp - long before because it was already very cold. Did I mention it was only 20 degrees? So after retrieving the egg, I went to the door to pull the washer attached to a string that releases the latch. The washer came off in my hand, the knot undone and me, stuck in the chicken coop. Stuck at 7:15 in the morning, in the 20 degree weather, in my robe and my DH asleep and unaware I am outside. My first scream of his name, was rather polite, because I didn't want to wake the neighbors. After ten minutes, the screams were no longer polite. Our enclosure is 1/2 in hardware cloth, so no hope of throwing a rock at a window to get his attention, which really didn't matter because there weren't any rocks. I pryed a hook off one of the windows to try to reach the latch. No luck. Shouting finally worked after 15 minutes and I was freed. I would have been annoyed had it not been so completely hilarious. Glad he was home and eventually woke up so that I didn't have to bust out the door. The nylon string has been re-knotted, 5 times and melted with a lighter. Oh the joys of "managing my flock!"
Glad to see you were retrieved fairly quickly

I think many of us have done this.

My solution is to not have any latches that automatically shut. I have slide bolts on the outside, so they must be manually closed.....and added a little hook latch to the inside of the door....just so I have a way of shutting the door behind me if I am inside the coop and want to keep the door closed so nobody escapes.
I've done this twice! The first time I went into the run (which is too hardy-built to get out of) and slammed it behind me. There's no latch from the inside. I had to crawl out the chicken door! Luckily at that time I needed to gain some weight
And then I was locked in again, on THANKSGIVING, this time by a (crazy) neighbor. Still need to gain that weight... maybe I should change my mind about that.
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