Stuck lash egg any advice please


Jul 30, 2020

My lovely ex battery hen was having breathing issues and a slightly distended abdomen. I took her to the vet who diagnosed EYP she gave her the hormone injection chorulon due to the implant not being in stock. She also is on anti inflammatory pain relief and Baytril.

Although the swelling has gone down I’ve noticed her vent pulsating and I was concerned she had an egg inside. I took her to the vet today where he found a lash egg, unfortunately he has said it is embedded in the tissue and he does not think she will pass it. She’s in at the moment having calcium injections. He said an ex battery hen was unlikely to survive surgery to remove it. She’s otherwise touch wood well in herself eating abs drinking. Is there anything else I can do to help her ?
I'm sorry to hear about your hen.

It's good that you have been able to seek vet care from someone knowledgeable about hens.
Sometimes no matter what course of treatment, hens with reproductive disorders will ultimately succumb to the condition. It's sad for sure.

You are doing what you can for her. If she's bright, seemingly well within herself, then enjoy her. She's got someone who obviously cares very much for her and will give her a good life for whatever time she has - priceless!:hugs
I'm sorry to hear about your hen.

It's good that you have been able to seek vet care from someone knowledgeable about hens.
Sometimes no matter what course of treatment, hens with reproductive disorders will ultimately succumb to the condition. It's sad for sure.

You are doing what you can for her. If she's bright, seemingly well within herself, then enjoy her. She's got someone who obviously cares very much for her and will give her a good life for whatever time she has - priceless!:hugs
Thank you so much for your kind words I really appreciate it. I got to the vet last night and he said the lash egg was stuck but completely full of pus he also drained pus from other parts of the abdomen. I decided to have her put to sleep as he said she would have declined rapidly 😢 I miss her so much
Thank you so much for your kind words I really appreciate it. I got to the vet last night and he said the lash egg was stuck but completely full of pus he also drained pus from other parts of the abdomen. I decided to have her put to sleep as he said she would have declined rapidly 😢 I miss her so much
:hugsI'm sorry to hear that.
Thank you so much for your kind words I really appreciate it. I got to the vet last night and he said the lash egg was stuck but completely full of pus he also drained pus from other parts of the abdomen. I decided to have her put to sleep as he said she would have declined rapidly 😢 I miss her so much
You made the right decision.

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