Stumbling chicken...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 21, 2013
Zone 5, Midwest
This is Dee my Easter Egger Bantam. She is 2 years old. She has been doing this stumbling walk for the past 3-4wks. She eats and drinks. She can fly up into the coop. Checked her for mites, no mites. Also her poop looks normal- no worms noted. I feed my layer hens organic layer crumble. My other 5 chickens have been sharing the same coop and show no similar symptoms. At worst I was thinking Marek's? Or is there a vitamin deficiency? Any ideas welcome. I have separated her for observation.

2016 post but taking a long shot bc this sounds exactly like what I’m going through now she’s been isolated for 3-4 weeks seems to be walking around on her own better but today took her out of isolation was a little wobbly so went to catch her to put her back and she fell over headfirst (running from me) and was on her back and side trying to get back up. Still eats and drinks no bloody stool. Wondering if you ever found out what was wrong w yours or had anything that helped her
I have a Mareks-vaccinated hen who was recently placed back in her flock after a 10 month abscence. She spent 5 weeks in a basket when she over a few days became unbalanced, ending up on her side or falling backward when she would attempt to run. At first she just wobbled. She was confined to the recycling basket with bedding, but she could get up and move a little while there. She did not drink for 5 weeks, and I fed her watery feed, cooked egg, and canned catfood to coax her to eat. She got vitamins with minerals, probiotics. Suddenly, she had enough of the basket, and began trying to go outside with her flock every morning. The others, including a tiny bantam, jumped on her and pecked her comb bloody. So she spent her nights in a dog crate, and was placed in our yard to free range during the days. She could see her flock through a fence. We then moved her to her own coop in our yard. She became stronger, but continued to have a bit of being slightly wobbly. This fall we had to reintegrate her back into the flock, and it has gone fairly well. She is very low in pecking order, but has not been hurt. She cannot jump up to a roost anymore since her illness. We never found out what caused her imbalance. We have never seen a case of Mareks, so we may never know the problem.

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