Stump in the run


6 Years
Oct 1, 2013
Does anybody have a tree stump for their chickens to climb/play on? I'm thinking about placing our run around one. I was wondering if our girls would like playing on it or get any bugs out of it for a little snack? In short, would it be a beneficial idea or should I just have the stump ground down?
We have a stump next to the chicken coop. My birds don't free range very often because we have two crazy dogs but when they do they **always** head for the tree stump to peck at it and climb over it. We have a small piece of branch that came off that part of the tree that is in their day run most days and they will go out of their way to step over it or on it.
If the stump won't facilitate their escaping from the run, leave it. Mine had a stump but they eventually pecked it into nothingness as they do with everything else.

I had to add logs to my coop so my chickens could have fun stuff to climb on! Lol!
Not only will this give them a great place to jump onto, it will likely have some bugs and grubs eventually in and around it for them to eat.
If its a taller stump, like 2-3 ft, you could add boards to create limbs for more raised perching area. I made something similar and my chickens seem to really like having it to perch on. :)

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