Stunted chick?


Sep 11, 2015

Set of 3-week old bantam chicks, broody-raised outside.

One baby has been not growing as quickly as the others and is a bit weaker. Its body is on the small side with quite short legs, but its wings and tail are where they should be, so it's weirdly proportioned. Its default mode is resting in the ground with its tail twitching up and down, very slightly quivering, and mostly gets up just to follow mom around or get food. It seems like it's overheated or tired. I believe it kept up with the other chicks in energy and growth until around a week and a half, then has been falling behind.

They've been on a mix of gamebird crumble and medicated chick starter crumble, water with and without vitamins available, grit available. Poops are fine, no mites/lice/etc. We've started corid treatment just in case, but I don't think that's the issue. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Sometimes there's something internally that wasn't formed correctly, it shows up generally in chicks under 4 weeks. They fail to grow properly and than will pass at some point. If it isn't growing correctly that's what I would think.
If you are using Corid skip adding vitamins until you are finished with the Corid, although I doubt Corid is needed.

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