Stupid fishercat

Bait your traps with raw meat. Chicken hearts and livers work well. I would set the trap reasonably close to your coop. The lil bugger knows he has a easy meal there.
I do not think we have them here. Wonder how they would get along w/possums? Maybe they would eat possums! They are a lot cuter then possums.
I dont think they are protected in MN either, I cant find anything on the dept of natural resources site about it... which is good!

It does say you can only trap them tho, not shoot. But still if we can trap them thats better than nothing. I saw my first Fisher about 2 months ago, 2 of them, right in the town my kids go to daycare in, and they were beastly looking things!
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Fishers are NOT protected but local and state regs on trapping do apply. For example, in NY the season for trapping fishers is sometime in September to mid December.

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