Stupid Questions Thread

Will different breeds of Turkeys mate? What is a good white variety of Turkeys? I was thinking of switching to a white variety but I invested so much time in raising my bronze hens that I was just going to buy a couple of white Toms.

I don't and never have had turkeys, but I assume that they will mate considering how different breeds of chickens will mate. And I can't answer your second question.
All heritage varieties can interbreed, you will only have troubles if you try to breed heritage to broad breasted, a heritage Tom can probably breed a broad breasted, but not the other way around, the breast are too big.
For some odd reason I can't even think of a stupid question. I probably had one on the tip of my tongue but, those hilarious Chihuahua photos/captions made me forget. See it is all their fault. I promise I will be back as soon as something stupid pops into my head.

You really should think of marketing a Chihuahua calendar - your dogs are naturals & you have the wit to go with it.
Me too XD
Glad my chihuahuas gave you a laugh. I have to thank @drumstick diva for the calendar suggestion. I am always looking for ways to raise money for the Humane Society. Here is another picture that will make you granddaughter was on the other end of the tea party.
It is because turkey hens don't just accept any male, that I asked this question. Roosters just force the girls but turkeys seem to court each other and pair off. When I separated my original couple, the hen changed her attitude towards me. She used to follow me everywhere and eat out of my hand but after I took her mate away, she became afraid of me.
I have stupid questions all the time...why didn't I know about this thread? (See, stupid question right there.)
Your directions are right on.....but I really wasn't curious about how many ovations I got or which of my threads elicited them. I want to read the threads of other people that were recognized to be very helpful by their peers. Since I can't go to their profile page and see their ovations, I still don't know if this is achievable.

If Golden Feathers get to hobnob with the Administrators maybe you can ask them if there was a purpose for them....other than the "warm fuzzies" they create....which is a very nice idea in itself....but it would be ultra great to be able to click an Ovations tab where you can read all the posts from that day that the general public thought were super duper, lol.

Maybe you already found the answer to the ovation question? If not, maybe this will help:

Home page, right hand side, toward the bottom, shows Top Rated Posts and there is a "more" link.
Clicking that "more" link will take you to a detailed screen that shows Top Rated Posts for (you choose) Last Day, 7 Days, 30 Days, All Time
If you click on say, All Time, you'll see the #1 Top Rated Post has to do with the Buy-Sell-Trade Rules

Does that give you the info you wanted on ovations?
Oh my. I just found this thread... because I seem to follow NFC around like a shadow. (What's up with that? I think we are in the same time zone or something- just down the street actually)
ANYWAY... the chi-wa-was are adorable!
What a great sense of humor.

I love the thread.
Please keep adding to it,
Yeah, just me and my shadow, lol. And here I thought I was following YOU around. I stand corrected
Thank you so much @NorthFLChick Your answer was very helpful. You are going to get an Ovation for this, lol.

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