stupid racoon! Bravest little roo!

Wow what a brave little guy. WAY TO GO WALLY!!!
Don't feel too bad for the coon, if she had gotten in you would have no chickens left!
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Can we see this brave little guy and his "battle scar"

Bet he'll get all the ladies showing that off!!!

Wally: "oh that, that's nothing, just KILLED a coon once..."

Girls: *swoon*

I am an animal lover but I never shed any tears for raccoons. Sure it was trying to get a meal but had it succeeded in getting into your coop you'd have found a lot of carnage.

Not trying to turn this into a rooster training battle but personally I'd advise against this. We read on here all too often about roosters that have been coddled and held a lot turning very aggressive when they hit a year or so of age. I am of the camp that believes that a stand offish rooster will behave better once it matures.
I'm with bakerjw! Make pets of the pullets, but treat Wally like a chicken. Over socializing of roosters very frequently causes them to regard us as equals. In order to keep 'us' in our proper position in the flock, roosters can become human aggressive.

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