Successfully hatched egg during power outage with kerosene lamp


9 Years
Mar 21, 2014
A few weeks ago I got a few chicks and grafted them onto the mama hen because she kept ruining nests of eggs.

Then candled the eggs I took away from her and had an oh crap moment because they had baby chicks in them.

So I quickly put them in a box, inside a dog crate with a heatlamp clamped onto the top and a cup of water in the box. I'd always heard tale of my great granny hatching all kinds of eggs with a lightbulb and a cardboard box having almost 100% hatch rate.

About 12 days later I have a baby chick.

Then came a huge storm last night and knocked down a power poll. That was about 10 pm. And another oh crap moment cause i had another egg pipped!

So thinking fast we renecked up an oil lamp inside the metal dog crate, and pizza pan on top of the crate and the cardboard box with the eggs in it, on top of that. Raised the humidity with a rag. For the next 8 hours the day old chick slept in a basket wrapped in a flannel pillow case (i was worried about fumes, and yes worried about fumes for the hatching egg too but wasn't much else I could do).

Woke up at 6:30 this morning to the pipped egg, hatched into a healthy baby chick! Update on the other eggs :they're all still alive and i can hear one that is peeping in the egg!

Just thought I'd share!

Crazy, huh?
Congrats! I remember when I was little, my grandpa ran over a pheasant nest (killing the mother) and us hatching the chicks in a cardboard box with a heat lamp. If I remember right, it just had straw in it and we would a little water in there every now and then. I don't know what the exact hatch rate was anymore, but I do remember there being quite a few little fluffers.

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