Such loving hens...


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 18, 2014
Hello everyone,

This isn't anything important but just wanted to share. We have 4 chickens (2 a few months older than the others) and just recently they have all become so much more tame and loving. We had a few problems with how timid the new two were for a few weeks but they are really improving with being around us 'people' now.

I was sat out in the garden earlier, and Sparkle flew up to sit on my lap for a bit till she was pushed off by Amber for her turn, they have never wanted to get that close before, and they follow me around non stop now. It's lovely.

Does anyone else have chickens that want to sit with you too, or anything else similar?

Here's a few pics...

Meet Amber (Amber Star), Sparkle (Spekledy), Miranda (Black Copper Maran) and Barbara (Crested Legbar).

They are all great with the kids.

Action shot when Amber was pushing in :D

She stayed here for about 5 mins, kept turning to get comfy.

Hope I didn't bore anyone, just really wanted to share.

Thanks Claire x
My Buff Orpingtons get on our laps when we sit outside with them. I always feel so special when a chicken sits on me!!!! Does that seem silly? Only to someone who has never loved a chicken!!
My Buff Orpingtons get on our laps when we sit outside with them. I always feel so special when a chicken sits on me!!!! Does that seem silly? Only to someone who has never loved a chicken!!
I totally agree with it making you feel special. I really didn't expect them to ever do that, then all of a sudden I had two wanting to do it. Love your picture by the way :D
I have 6 hens and 4 of them take turns in my lap. I'll sometimes sit down and all 4 try to get in my lap. Needless to say, it's kind of crowded and they push each other off. The other two are slowly warming up and I don't think it will be long before they too will sit with me. Milly loves for me to gently rock her. I love sitting with my hens. It makes me feel good and very soothing after a hard day.

Thanks for sharing and you have some beautiful hens.
That sounds lovely, I think it's really nice that they do it. It would be really funny if all 4 of ours started doing it.

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