Sudden foamy eyes/sudden no foamy eyes


Jul 30, 2021
My hen last night was fine one min, literally just prior I had seen her and she was absolutely fine. Then she came up to me for a treat with both eyes foaming. I swooped her up isolated her in a cool dark place (it’s very hot very suddenly here) and put some doxycycline in her water. By then it was dark and she went to bed. This am very early (she had no water with meds in it yet as it was dark) she was bright eyed and very angry at me that she is isolated away from her flock. No discharge, no breathing difficulties, clear lungs, appetite is foot, energy is great. She has bumble foot right now, and it’s just getting to the plug stage where I can treat it. But she doesn’t even limp. It’s doesn’t seem to bug her too much. And I don’t think it’s connected. Does anyone have ANY idea what could cause this? Heat? Allergies? Eating something off? Should I keep her isolated? @Wyorp Rock what do you think?
I saw your other thread, it seems like the bubbles went away on their own.
Maybe she got some debris in her eye and she was able to get it out.

If she's acting fine and her eyes are bright and clear, I'd let her out with the others and just monitor her.
If she gets more bubbles in the eyes, then rinse them with saline. Birds can get dirt in the eye sometimes which is irritating. I wouldn't necessarily jump to giving antibiotics right off unless she's showing clear symptoms of respiratory illness.

At her age, if you've had her for a long time, then if she were to develop respiratory illness/symptoms it would likely have been brought in by new birds added to your flock instead of the other way round.

As for Bumblefoot, post some photos. If she's not limping and it doesn't bother her, the this too may just need to be monitored for a while to see if it really even needs to be treated.
I saw your other thread, it seems like the bubbles went away on their own.
Maybe she got some debris in her eye and she was able to get it out.

If she's acting fine and her eyes are bright and clear, I'd let her out with the others and just monitor her.
If she gets more bubbles in the eyes, then rinse them with saline. Birds can get dirt in the eye sometimes which is irritating. I wouldn't necessarily jump to giving antibiotics right off unless she's showing clear symptoms of respiratory illness.

At her age, if you've had her for a long time, then if she were to develop respiratory illness/symptoms it would likely have been brought in by new birds added to your flock instead of the other way round.

As for Bumblefoot, post some photos. If she's not limping and it doesn't bother her, the this too may just need to be monitored for a while to see if it really even needs to be treated.
Well the plug is hardened and forming. Her name is bumble because she is my only hen who has ever had it. I treated a long time ago, and then made her ramps so she didn’t have to jump down far, etc. but she got it again. I know she isn’t limping but I should still remove the plug I think, because you can see swelling between her toes. And even if she isn’t limping I would think it has to hurt. As far as new birds, any new birds get QT for 90 days away from my flock, and I use different clothing and shoes to handle them and lots of sanitizer so I hope that is not the case.
Thank you for your help. Really. You have always been so amazing and it means a lot to me.
I saw your other thread, it seems like the bubbles went away on their own.
Maybe she got some debris in her eye and she was able to get it out.

If she's acting fine and her eyes are bright and clear, I'd let her out with the others and just monitor her.
If she gets more bubbles in the eyes, then rinse them with saline. Birds can get dirt in the eye sometimes which is irritating. I wouldn't necessarily jump to giving antibiotics right off unless she's showing clear symptoms of respiratory illness.

At her age, if you've had her for a long time, then if she were to develop respiratory illness/symptoms it would likely have been brought in by new birds added to your flock instead of the other way round.

As for Bumblefoot, post some photos. If she's not limping and it doesn't bother her, the this too may just need to be monitored for a while to see if it really even needs to be treated.
About the dented, she was fine when she went under the horse trailer, their favorite place to dust bathe, and there was like 7/8 hens all dust bathing in there, and when she came out her eyes were irritated and foamy. So I hope it was just some dust. I took the antibiotic water out, as she hadn’t had time to really even start drinking it, and gave her some fresh water with durastat (oregano supplement) to boost her immune system just in case. I’m going to treat her feet today, as they look ready to be de plugged and then if she is doing just fine, I’ll let her back out with everyone else. When you say sailine will human grade saline eye wash work or is there something specific I should buy?
Sounds like she's getting dirt/dust in her eyes while dust bathing,
but you can certainly rinse her eyes with saline if you wish to help remove the dust.

Human grade saline eye wash will work just fine.
I've had female ducks get their eyes poked by males trying to mate & would would get foamy ( & sometimes red/irritated). I would flush them with Bausch & Lomb human eye wash 2-3x/day. After just 1 or 2 days, there would be noticeable improvement & would be back to normal no later than day 3. Probably not a cure, but did seem to give relief. My exotic vet said it is safe to use.

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