Sudden Illness, 2 deaths in 1 day


9 Years
May 8, 2013

I am new to BYC but I love reading the forums. I am also new to chickens. I have 7, 2 week old chicks residing in my laundry room currently. This morning I started out with 9, 2 passing suddenly this afternoon.

I have them in a fenced in kiddie pool, half with light, half with out. I have checked the temperature and that seems to be ok. The chicks aren't huddled nor are they seperated on the sides. I have been feeding them Dumura Chick(not medicated) feed, and they have fresh water 2-3 times per day.

I did have these chicks shipped to me from a hatchery, a friend and I split an order (her chicks seem just fine). We decided to have them vaccinated.

This morning I noticed that one chick was very lathergic and not moving. He almost seemed drunk, if you will. I went upstairs to call my friend (chicken expert) and when I went back to check on the poor thing, he had passed and another was on it's side unmoving. I decided that maybe they need electrolytes? and by the time I returned home the 2nd one had passed. Now I have 3 more with all of the same symptoms.

head down
not moving
can't stand
eyes closed
chripping suddenly as if in pain
seeming dizzy

I began feeding them the electrolyte water and 2 of the 3 seemed to improve slighty but not much at all. I am at a loss. I understand that these things happen, ecspecially to young chicks, but why so suddenly and what is causing this?

sounds like coccidosis. get Corid asap. corid kills all 9 strains of cocci while other meds only kill some strains. remember it IS possible to have coccidosis WITHOUT having bloody poo. your chicks have the classic symptoms. corid will save there lives. you can get corid at the feed store. time is of essence here so hurry. best wishes and welcome.

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