Sudden reduction in laying


Oct 11, 2015
Southworth, WA
We've got 12 hens, 9 almost two years old and 3 almost one year old. They went from laying 8-9 eggs a day to 3-5. It's a weird time of year to see this, especially since the weather has improved and they are spending most of their days out in the sun.

Diet hasn't changed except that I moved their pen so they could prep a greenhouse for planting. They get layer feed and tons of produce we glean from grocery store refuse, however we've backed off on the produce so they would work the beds I wanted.

Two roosters, one alpha and one beta that co-exist just fine. The flock dynamic hasn't changed since we re-homed a couple roosters last fall.

No hidden eggs--the whole pen is easily inspected.

I discovered that they had access to avocado pits and pecked some of the outer skin off. This problem has been removed.

There is a smallish opossum skulking about that I'm trying to trap. The birds don't get wigged out by its presence, but can opossums carry eggs away leaving no sign? Our nest boxes are 5 feet above ground but it looks like a good climber could access them.

Any ideas? Thanks!
I understand that hens slow their production, but before reaching the age of 2? Another factor--we don't provide artificial light during winter and we allow the hens to follow their natural rhythms because I've read hens will lay longer in their lives if not made to do it all year long.
Hybrid or not - they should still be laying well into their second year. I'm putting my money on the opossum. He could well be making off with your eggs. Do your chickens free range? That's something else to consider. They could have a hidden nest somewhere.
I agree, something is eating your eggs, or you have a hidden nest. Whenever I have had an unexplained drop in egg production, it has been a hidden nest. They can be quite crafty, look again.

Mrs K
Yeah, I'm wise to their potential craftiness. The pen is level with no bushes or other debris. I've been over it multiple times and there is no cavity I'm unaware of.

I will redouble efforts to trap the varmint.

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