Sudden snowstorm coming. Will the quail be fine?


In the Brooder
Jul 21, 2020
Hi! We live in the Front Range of Colorado and it's been in the nineties during the day and low sixties at night. Tonight we have a crazy winter storm coming and it'll start snowing and be around freezing in the morning. I have two coturnix quail in a cage on the ground under my back porch. They'll be mostly protected from wind and snow, but is the sudden drop in temperature bad for them? I also have two chickens (Marans) that are only 14 weeks old and pretty small and wondering the same for them.
I would suggest bringing them inside if you can. That is a huge difference in temp! I have been following that weather story. You are expected to get hot again in a few days, right?
Yes! Wacky Colorado Weather. They're now enjoying my bathtub 😆 what a mess!
Put them in the garage for the night.
I'm out by DIA. Spent the day prepping for the rain and snow. Dumping with lightening right now. Greatful for the rain but snow??!.
Yes, precipitation is great but I'm sad for the gardens and bugs. I hope your birds do fine! The quail are now in my bathtub, ha ha. My kids love our "petting zoo."

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