Suddenly have chickens.


In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2016
First, background.

IT Geek, raised in Alaska but spent 20 years in Seattle, who bought a small acreage in the middle of Oklahoma, living with a dog lady who has worked with them professionally as a family thing. Her grandparents did it.

Last weekend I woke up something fowl. Grumpy beyond normal compare. That Saturday afternoon, I somehow came home with 12 chicks, and all the stuff we needed to run a brooder.

We have been reading and planning on chickens for 3 years now, but never had the thoughts take flight until now.

Decided I should make an account after reading all 50+ pages of the Woods Coop, and 37 pages of the Angry Rooster.

Even with all the reading, expect lots of "newbie" questions as we progress into the world of chickens.

.... and you'll love them and be planning/plotting to get more. I kid you not. Have you visited the Learning Center, it has answers to questions you haven't even thought of yet.

If you want to find other Bycers - put your state name in the search box. It will come up and you can post there. I also like to recommend "Raising Backyard chickens," forum.


The other greeters have given you some good advice, I'll just say hello and it's nice to have you here!

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