Suddenly Sick Rooster


9 Years
Mar 3, 2014
Update: he was gone within minutes of bringing him inside, before I even finished posting and looking for the nutri-drench. I have no idea what happened but my best guess is botulism from some garden mulch I tossed into their pen to fill a hole. We have no other roosters and very few predators so it was not likely to be an injury. I’m heartbroken, he was a beautiful rooster and I was very attached to him.

OP: He Went out this morning to find my rooster immobile on the ground. He is normally feisty and loud but did not move when I lifted him. I noticed a discharge from his mouth when I picked him up. He is not eating or drinking or moving at all. His comb is blackish on the ends. We were not home yesterday so I am not sure when this started but the day before I did not notice anything odd when I went out to collect eggs. He is not quite a year old.
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Can you bring him inside to a warm place and get some pictures of him? Can he move his legs and wings? Look him over for any wounds on his body. Is he alert or drowsy? If he is awake enough can you offer some Poultry NutriDrench or sugar water? Do you have other roosters who could have hurt him?

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