Suggestions about a dog aggressive drake?


8 Years
May 3, 2011
Bradleyville, MO
We have 3 six month old ducks, two females and one male. I have had them since they were only a few days old. Three months ago we got a toy poodle/min pin mix puppy, who is now 5 months old. We also have an 18 month old Australian Shepherd.

In the past month or so, our drake has become VERY aggressive towards both of our dogs. Our Aussie is big enough that she stands up to him, so he doesn't bother her so much anymore. Our puppy, though, is very small and is, rightfully so, scared to death of the ducks. Any time we let him out, even if we are standing right next to him, the drake immediately takes off and starts chasing the puppy. He will chase the puppy until he is able to catch up with him and will attack him. No matter what we have tried so far, we can't get him to stop chasing the dogs.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do? Our chickens and ducks free range on our property. I'm |this| close to re-homing them with a disclaimer that the drake is dog aggressive. I like having them around, though, so if there is a way to change things, I'd like to keep them. It may be a moot point, though, b/c my husband is trying to find a new job half way across the country (we live in Missouri, and he is looking in North Carolina and Texas) and most likely we won't be able to take my ducks and chickens with us anyway.
For the small dog, I don't know of anything that you could do. My dogs, all small breeds, avoided my ducks when they were loose. Now the ducks have an enclosed area so a few of the dogs like to sit and watch them. ( I have 1 shih tzu that thinks he's a flock guardian

I would say either rehome or keep your little dog with you when you let it out. Now if you are there and the drake goes after him you could try some of the suggestions that people use with people aggressive drakes. I'm just going off of memory but picking up the drake, I think some hold them down, do a search on BYC there have been lots of suggestions.

Also, if you are going to be finding out soon if you will be moving I may just pen up the drake until then. It is easier to sell drakes as part of a pair/group. Usually.
I would definitely rehome them together since they are bonded to one another. We are almost certainly moving, I just don't know when. My husband is sending out his resume to about 40 career listings today, so it just depends on who responds and when they need him. Most likely, at wherever he gets a job, we will have to live in an apartment until our house sells here, so I won't be able to bring our birds with us. Since we will most likely be far away, I won't be able to leave them here until the house sells b/c no one will be here to feed and water them. The fun part will be trying to find a home for 10 adult chickens, one of whom has nine 10 week old chicks she is raising, not to mention the 13 one week old chicks that my other broody chicken refused to raise. *sigh*

Anyway...yes, the drake does chase/attack my small dog in front of me. We have tried just about everything to get him to stop, but nothing is working. I think I may just rehome the ducks now. They are beautiful and healthy, so it shouldn't be hard to find them homes.
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