Sultan falling over sideways, bobbing head, and gasping for air


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2016
My little 6 week old Sultan pullet is falling over sideways, gasping for air, looks untidy, bobbing head back and forth. She was happy healthy yesterday and today she's acting funny. I did start everyone on Corid. I had a few chicks possible have it and wanted to be sure. They are all doing good except my poor girl. Could it be an allergic reaction? Any ideas? Thank you.
Sorry for your loss. Coccidiosis is the most common disease in chicks that age, but they can also be born weak or have immunity problems or organ failure. When a chicken dies, if you refrigerate, but do not freeze the body, you can take or send them in to your state vet or poultry lab for a necropsy, to look for a cause of death. Here is a list of common poultry diseases seen in chickens, along with a list of state vets:

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