Summer Bod Boot Camp

Any goals in particular?

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Got my cardio in today, Aslan escaped and I got to chase him around for a while.
Kick Back Falling GIF

He's a real pain in my rear. His recall is fine, I just called him in the house to see how quickly he'd respond and you'd think I had screamed dinner. Same thing when he's in the yard or on leash, but let him off leash and his nose is in charge now🙄
He's super smart so he knows when recall is technically "optional"
My dogs like that sometimes, and she knows there's nothing for me to grab and catch her so she thinks its a game.
My dogs like that sometimes, and she knows there's nothing for me to grab and catch her so she thinks its a game.
He was kinda like that as a puppy and I thought it was normal so I never took him off leash and only used a long line, but now that he's older I'm pretty sure he's got some kind of ADD/ADHD/OCD, he's very obsessive and incredibly impulsive.
He's also so freaking smart it's ridiculous. My aussie too, she's really bad because even after getting shot seven times once she got out and ran away like two weeks later.
Meanwhile my "dumb" dogs (lab and beagle mixes) are happy to come when called and wouldn't dare test me.
I've been trying to be more active, between school and my sedentary hobby my only activities all winter are taking care of the animals in the evening.
And I want to get better at doing push-ups, lol. I've always struggled with them, so I've been trying to do 5 a few times each day.
Nice thread Everose :highfive:
I've been trying to be more active, between school and my sedentary hobby my only activities all winter are taking care of the animals in the evening.
And I want to get better at doing push-ups, lol. I've always struggled with them, so I've been trying to do 5 a few times each day.
I did something similar in 2020 and just started planking, I started at 30 seconds max and then I could go up to 4 minutes before flopping. I want to do that again and some dumbbell workouts.
Nice thread Everose :highfive:
Glad you joined!
So I have had pain in my elbow for well over a week now, I've been struggling to use my left arm, and lifting or rotating it has been the most painful. Just a few minutes ago I picked up my 5lb dumbbells and just started doing some basic moves, and almost immediately I felt muscles and tendons popping, my elbow was cracking, and after doing every kind of exercise I could think of combined with stretching and warm up sessions I no longer feel pain in my elbow😄
I can't quite fully extend but I can move so much easier now!
I did something similar in 2020 and just started planking, I started at 30 seconds max and then I could go up to 4 minutes before flopping. I want to do that again and some dumbbell workouts.
4:eek:minutes:eek: ????:th

I need to get out my camping sleep mat and start doing planks. I *think* I know where it is... I don't have to have the mat, but I want it for something else too.

So, yeah, I had that sentence right: I need to get out the mat. And I need to start doing planks. :gig
I've been trying to be more active, between school and my sedentary hobby my only activities all winter are taking care of the animals in the evening.
And I want to get better at doing push-ups, lol. I've always struggled with them, so I've been trying to do 5 a few times each day.
Me too...except it's sit-ups for me. They are the worst! :fl

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