Super basic question: why a pop door?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 6, 2009
I'm almost embarrassed to ask, because it seems to be totally taken for granted that a coop needs a pop door, but why? Can't you just open the main door to let the chicks in and out?
You sure can! I think it depends more on how people's coops are set up.

You just want to be careful on a windy day so the chicks don't get slammed by the door.

I have a big pole building with separate breeding pens. Daily, I let each breed out to graze separately. I herd them in and out with a stick and a dressage whip to help guide them, just waving them behind the chickens to get them in or out.
At this time, I can't let my chicks free range due to a neighboring predator. By having a pop door into an enclosed run, the girls can come and go as they choose. The door will be covered by the roof over the run. I also have a dog that would love to get into the hen house and eat poo so I couldn't leave the door open for them even if they could free range.
Two advantages of a popdoor: hawks etc are less likely to follow a chicken indoors, and when you have nasty weather a popdoor keeps the coop drier and warmer.

but if you live in an always super nice climate and are not particularly worried about predators, sure, just tie the people door open if you prefer

we know some people that had a small barn and they opened the big doors each morning and closed them each night (had converted the barn into a coop...sooo the pop door isn't required...I always thought it was so larger animals couldn't get in??? But I'm new to this chicken thing... LOL

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